So, I have a few questions about talents. Do the bonus points in talents contribute to the 20 point bonus? Is chain lightning supposed to chain?
Okay here are some videos, so far it looks like they do similar damage, but I have had some pretty sweet screenshots from the electromurder build. Parry build (sucks now that parry/trueshot is nerfed) Electromurder build with bonus 28k dps nagafen kill. Boom Build, fun explosive arrow build Fire and Lightning build. Would be fun to gear around this build with +elemental gear.
All in all I like the new talents because it allows us to really diversify the way we gear our characters. I could totally see a collection of +elemental gear being a fun set to have.
If anyone finds an awesome build let me know, I want to try it.
Bonus Nagafen screenshot with electromurder