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Random things
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Author:  Sebastyn [ Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Random things

Very nice job with this Maelfyn. Did not think I would do anything more than a quick look and maybe 5 minutes of playing and now I'm almost through Hell...... :)

New font on Items - neat looking at first but I have real trouble reading it, prefer the old font

Grovecaller weapon- Summons a wolf pet who a) moves around & gets axed in 2 seconds & disappears or b) moves around for 2 seconds, then freezes in place, but still is alive & fighting and just never ever moves again or C) some combination of A & B except he he dies and I have this dead dog frozen in place on my screen until I camp or quit.

Rarity Filter on options screen - what does white, blue, yellow indicate? - Does that refer to the color of the item name? I see blue, yellow, tan, green item names so if it's that I'm not seeing it.

Overall Itemization - once you get past Normal and into Nightmare, it seemed like the items I found were always worse than the gear I had on. I got most of my upgrades in Nightmare through the level 3/4 merchant in town rather than killing stuff. Wasn't until about 1/2 through Hell where it seemed that I started getting good items from killing again. Maybe some room to improve here.

Again, my compliments on the work you've put in.

Author:  Maelfyn [ Fri Oct 17, 2014 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random things

Will respond fully later, but here's a quick question: what browser are you using? I noticed some font inconsistencies, too. I think it looks great in Firefox and Chrome, though. Looks like ass in Safari. IE doesn't show it at all. Might end up going with another font despite how much I like it. It's the same font from Diablo 2.

Author:  Maelfyn [ Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random things

Rarity filter: You have the option to filter out normal (white), magic (blue), and rare (yellow) items. You can't filter set (green) or uniques (tan/bronze).

Itemization: Just sounds like bad luck to me. The function that determines merchant items is the same one that determines monster items except that the merchant can never give you uniques or sets.

Glad you're enjoying the game. I hope you enjoy it even more after 1.0!

Author:  Maelfyn [ Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random things

Grovecaller: This will be fixed next update. I also buffed him a bit :D

Author:  Sebastyn [ Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random things

I'm using Firefox. I think the font displayed fine, it was just hard for me to read. I also just started taking my reading glasses into work this week for the 1st time ever, so that probably plays into it as well.

Author:  Maelfyn [ Sat Oct 18, 2014 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random things

Fixes are in now if you would like to try your sword again.

Author:  Sebastyn [ Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random things

1st time Grovecaller summons a pet: looks like he moves around, generally doesn't last more than 1-2 seconds. Disappears when he dies

2nd time Grovecaller summons a pet: doesn't move around, does not disappear when he dies. Dead dog stays around until you camp/quit.

3rd ++ : hard to tell since there is already a dead dog in his spot. Think I see something occassionally flash bye in the logs/chat that indicates the dog is alive again (albeit briefly)

If you camp to main screen and come back Grovecaller resets back to 1st time scenario.

Author:  Maelfyn [ Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random things

Weird. Was working fine...

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