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Debug Mode Details
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Author:  Maelfyn [ Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Debug Mode Details

Here's how debug mode works. Every time you add or consider a new mob, you will see a count of total DOM elements, and the number of children on 3 important canvas elements. Basically you're just watching the totals to see if they are getting higher over time. If they are then there's a problem and it's a memory leak. It's probably a specific animation causing it because I am forgetting to remove the image when I'm done with it.

The only other thing debug mode does is redirect all javascript errors to the combat log, so you won't have to look in the console anymore for these kinds of messages. All debug mode messages appears in yellow.

Author:  Rynn [ Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Debug Mode Details

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but...

My DOM there was 558. After I finished the quest with the exception of killing the boss I went to town, sold stuff, came back and pulled the boss. At this point my DOM was 711 and the boss didn't have a model on the screen, just a shadow circle on the ground and a nametag in the air.

If it helps any I'm playing on medium graphics.

Also, I once again want to thank you for working on this. I'm still having a lot of fun playing it!

Author:  Maelfyn [ Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Debug Mode Details

Oh, thanks for mentioning this. The only problem is that Chief Grimden is getting a unique graphic in 1.0, so the image didn't load. I can fix that until 1.0 comes out, at least. Every boss will have unique artwork. Sounds like the DOM count was okay at 711. As long as it's not running away 1000+ then it should be fine. If any of those numbers just continue growing it means I'm forgetting to remove the image.

Author:  Maelfyn [ Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Debug Mode Details

The most common reason the DOM number grows is simply the chat log.

Author:  Rynn [ Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Debug Mode Details

The only other thing I've noticed was this:

The damage numbers get stuck on the screen and don't move at all. It happens on low graphics and only with my direct damage spells. Melee and DoT's won't show it, which I'm assuming is what is supposed to happen since it's low graphics. I haven't tried it on other classes. I'm using Firefox 35.0 beta channel by the way.

And now that I think about it, I also didn't try it with AoE direct damage. Uhh, maybe I should do that...

EDIT: okay yeah, it does it with AoE direct damage as well.

Author:  Maelfyn [ Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Debug Mode Details

Oh! Yes, I don't do a lot of testing on lower settings. I can see what caused that. Thanks for the notification. It'll be fixed up next patch.

Author:  Rynn [ Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Debug Mode Details

Awesome, thanks! :) I'll keep an eye out for anything else.

Author:  Rynn [ Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Debug Mode Details

I think I found one this time,

I believe it's tied to the 20 point talent bonus for Cleric on Sound of Force, but I'm not 100% sure. Canvas1 just slowly crawls up as I play my Cleric. I'm also not sure if it's intentional, but the spell effect itself plays on medium graphics when nearly no other does.

I also had a talent related question, does Martyr's Blessing talent improve melee damage at all, or just the bonus magic damage done on melee damage including procs from the talents... or not even that? Seems like it would affect at least the procs based on it's position in the tree.


EDIT: I'm also getting a weird error with Root sometimes with the debug console on, on my Cleric. It doesn't seem to break my root or anything, it's just throwing errors at me.

Author:  Maelfyn [ Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Debug Mode Details

Nice finds. I managed to fix the first bug. It was related to Divine Justice not getting removed from the canvas, so that's the exact kind of bug this debug mode was designed to catch.

Martyr's Blessing affects all damage on the mob and yourself. I also fixed the tooltip for this as there's a typo there.

Still working on that root-related bug. It's a tricky one, but I'll figure it out after my kids go to bed 8)

Author:  Maelfyn [ Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Debug Mode Details

Alright, it was a tough one, but I finally figured out what that error was. Thanks for finding it. It was an obscure one only affecting clerics.

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