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How to help you to make money
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Author:  Belgue [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  How to help you to make money

Hello, some ideas to improve the cash the developer gets from this game, so it helps the game grows.

Important: Never block a player to have access to any level, area, item because they don’t pay.

1) Your 2 main source of income will be from bank/inventory slot and toon slots

2) Bank/Inventory slot - You have the increase the supply of unique items (not talking of armor). The best example of this is Marvel Heroes On line. Create a craft system that require to gather items, so people will need more slots. Create pots/vials, so people will need more space. Create a new slot on the toon windows that the item has 1 specific action (see artifacts on MHO), only one, people will start to gather those items and use them for different situations, example, one item is a full heal, the other item is a aoe mezz, and so on.. people will want have lots of them.. so.. more slots in inventory and bank. Make every mob drop something, make the craft recipes require +4 items to make.

3) Toon slot - If you want to make people to buy more slots they have to see the benefit of it, instead of creating another account. Dont put in the game any way to trade items between accounts, or if you do, you will have to mark the good items no-trade. Make more items class specific, so people will start to gather gear for an alt, actually, make all the gear to have class restriction, so people will have the need to buy more slots in the inventory to save them for an alt. Another idea, again an idea from MHO, the more toons you have, the more strong you are, every toon that reach a specific lvl grants bonus to all toons.

4) Not a big fan of this ... There is the usual exp, gold pots that all games sell. Increase the exp gain by 30% for 2 hours.

That is for now.. will think on more later.

Author:  Maelfyn [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

Some cool ideas there. I am definitely focusing on ways to increase your "account power" or something like that. So if you beat the game with every class you will have really high account power, which will unlock the ability to do certain things... like find legendaries or something like that.

Author:  robertx32 [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

To be honest i'd be fine with a bit more p2w, as long as there's a reasonable cap to gear. If you can max out a character in like 2 months, so what if someone can pay to do that faster? The real problem is when you need to play 50 years or pay a lot of money to max out. It's all in the balance really.

I suggest a cash shop with things that people can sell to others via auction house, like bank extensions, vip passes, xp pots etc. So payers can get rich and buy off good gear. But it will also be possible for every free player to achieve that in a reasonable amount of time. Also free players will be able to buy premium features if they play enough.

But this breaks the leaderboards though and makes the game slightly p2w, but still much better than 99% of the free games on the market. The reason i'd like the game to be more profitable is to make it at least his part time job, so he can focus more on developing. Or at least hire another helper :3

In case he wants a completely non p2w game, he needs a way to make whales pay a lot of money without actually getting any bonuses.. How can he do that? Nobody is gonna buy infinite bank slots and i don't think this game can have cosmetics..

I think we need his opinion first before brainstorming options xD (too late i already wrote a book though >.>)

Author:  Maelfyn [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

I have considered offering more p2w options for non-ladder characters. Non-ladder doesn't exist yet, but it will. So it's like saying... I don't want to compete, I just want to experience all the crazy shit in the game.

Author:  robertx32 [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

That makes no sense though, whales pay to compete xD

Just find something that works and isn't too disruptive :P

Edit: Actually it could work if non ladder was where 90% of people played but competitive was mostly for people to level a new character which in a few weeks or months returns to non ladder and gets rewards according to ladder number.

Author:  Maelfyn [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

Yeah, you actually have a point. If I managed to make more revenue, I did want to add some character graphics in combat. I think that would be pretty cool. It would be a lot of work though. At least five frames of animation per race (60 total). I'd need one for:

  • Standing still
  • Melee attack begin
  • Melee attack end
  • Casting
  • Cast done

If I added an extra frame to each animation that'd be 7*12 (84) frames to make it look a bit better. What's 84 * cost per animated frame??? It would probably cost $1500-$2000 or so.

Author:  Maelfyn [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

I could see a magic find potion being very popular. Resurrection potion. Maybe even some kind of turbo mode potion.

Author:  robertx32 [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

Hmm, calm down there, don't spend all your budget on graphics :P

I thought more of getting the interface polished, establishing fun end game activities, adding content etc :D

If you spend it on graphics we will get another facebook pretty game with no backbone :/

Author:  Maelfyn [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

I love Jared Psigoda on the topic of whales:

"Honest to God, if I wanted to spend $100,000 on your game right now, could I do it?"

Cracks me up. But apparently these people absolutely exist. Especially in economies where heavy income disparity is the norm. This also correlates with how items in the luxury markets are performing very well in comparison to the rest of the economy. I have a RL friend that works at a gym that charges people $1200/month for a gym membership.

Author:  Suvana [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

Didn't I see something a while back about how Zynga and that lot made like 90% of the money from 10% of the players? (Or an even more extreme ratio). At the moment you have a built in cap on how much anyone can pay (max bank slots, max toons). Consumables would open things up for sure, definitely for non-ladder only though :)

Author:  Maelfyn [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

Yes, that's probably the case. You make about 90-95% of your revenue from people who have a ton of disposable income, a ton of time, and really like your game.

Author:  Hentaihero [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

Yeah, I have the last two there. If I had a ton of disposable income I would probably throw money at this game like it was showing me its titties.

Author:  SeismicRend [ Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

Re: P2W competition and Clash of Clans

Watched the GDC presentation by Jared Psigoda. Initially I'm repulsed at the mentality of designing these monetization hooks into games. They're essentially the gambling industry in my mind. The western mobile market is starting to reflect many of the "best practices" of Chinese browser game design and whenever I encounter these hooks it doesn't take long before I uninstall.

However the perspective I don't get from his presentation is that of the players. It baffles me these players are willing spend their money and time on a p2w leaderboard for a short lifespan game. So I tried to find their voice. Ending up coming across this interview with Jorge Yao, the highest ranked Clash of Clans player at one point. He sounds level headed and pleased with his investment in the game as he's buying gems weekly to maintain his position and playing 48-72 hour sessions.

He claims he spent as much as $3,000 to reach the top spot and spending $250 a week to maintain his position in the game (dated two years ago). Clash of Clans does not have nearly as aggressive of a monetization scheme as these Chinese browser games which reflects why he's able to reach number one with such a paltry amount. It kind of goes back to the quote, "if I wanted to spend $100,000 on your game right now, could I do it?" I haven't played Clash of Clans in some time so I wonder how much players at the top of the leaderboard are spending on the game to compete now that its gained greater popularity.

Do you all think P2W leaderboard design is maliciously manipulative or giving competitive players what they want?

Author:  Raserei [ Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

I'm rich!

I work full-time in a bakery and make 11.25/hour! Pay check is ~340 w/o Sunday and ~380 with Sunday. I am the best worker in the world so I always get Sunday.

gg I win

Author:  crimsonchaos [ Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to help you to make money

The ability to purchase an EXP and a MF potion which gives your account (non-ladder) like maybe a 25% exp bonus and maybe 20-25 for the MF potion. Lasts an entire week for like 10 crystals each or something like that. Maybe sell extended duration ones that last a month for 30 crystals. You could also sell race changes and name changes for characters for something like 10-20 crystals.

IMO ladder should be free of paid advantages beyond extended bank inventory/characters. A smart player can make due with 9 bank slots and would be able to properly gear out 2 characters. Its just slightly more inconvenient. They'd simply have to discard/sell items they aren't gonna use on one of their characters. If someone wants to packrat a bunch of items, then they can buy bank slots. I got 54 tabs and plan on getting enough character slots to maybe make one of each class. I think the prices for crystals is very reasonable. 1000 crystals gets you quite a bit of bank/character slots for only $10.

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