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Witcher 3 sells 4 million copies in two weeks
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Author:  Maelfyn [ Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Witcher 3 sells 4 million copies in two weeks

What is this? Diablo meets Skyrim? Seems cool. Anyone playing this?

Witcher sells 4 million copies in 2 weeks

Author:  robertx32 [ Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Witcher 3 sells 4 million copies in two weeks

I don't even plan to install it until i get a better pc xD Current one is like 4 year old budget one..

Author:  crimsonchaos [ Wed Jun 17, 2015 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Witcher 3 sells 4 million copies in two weeks

Witcher 3 is very good, but I've taken a break from it and plan on finishing it later. Part of the issue with Witcher 3 is my GPUs get red hot. I'm talking hot enough where I have to open the side of my case and have a fan blowing inside to keep my GPUs cool. I'm considering doing a case mod and putting a fan on the side of my case. It runs 60fps most of the time at 1080p with most of the settings on ultra. I had to cut down foliage visibility from ultra to high because that was a huge hit.

As far as build spec, I'm going with a combination of combat and potion. The potion tree has a ton of really strong buffing effects. The sign tree seems mediocre to terrible to me, or at least its not worth investing in early on. You're better off getting quick attack to +5 to get the 25% damage bonus, and one of the potion skills that gives you bonus toxicity levels per alchemy recipe can allow you to stack more potions & decoctions for the tougher fights. I'll give signs another go when I'm a bit higher level and got the points to get deep into the tree to more adequately test stuff. I'm curious how strong fully buffed Igni and Aard is. If you want AOE damage, I'm not sure anything beats grenades. There is a grenade branch in the potion tree, and one of the skills turns grenades into cluster bombs. Grenades are pretty diverse as far as damage types and effects they can do. Everything from raw damage, to burning, freezing, poison, to grenades that remove monster special abilities, and more. There is a moondust grenade I was using on Night Wraiths to put them in a material state so your weapons could damage them. Considerably easier than trying to use Yrden and pull them into the hex to be able to get a few hits in momentarily. Itemization is key in Witcher 3, and depending how you properly use (or don't use) the items & skills to your advantage, your life can either be smooth sailing or pure hell. Night Wraith for example, I couldn't beat one without using a moondust grenade. Use it and they die pretty much like anything else. You'll run into some situations like that throughout the game. You either use the proper strategy, or you simply don't win. Period. Unless you've completely mastered the game to the extent to know what you can and can't get away with.

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