Goblin Warrior
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:14 am Posts: 124
So there's this game i played before, eldevin. It's a shit game but at least at the time the cash shop wasn't invasive so it was refreshing to be able to keep up with everyone just by playing. Well that soon turned bad in a matter of weeks. One update they decided to add 1 random roll on weapons. I was amazingly happy because i wanted that and it was my suggestion!! The problem is next month, where they added a re roll option for 2 euro. Yes, instead of grinding for tens of hours you can just pay 2 euros to re roll and get a new chance at rolls..
I screamed on forums that this is way too p2w and a slap in the face, a few people agreed with me but most of them didn't, these were their arguments:
-so what it's a free game? -they gotta make money you know! -it's just weapons, it could be worse -you can still do it in-game! -you can buy money currency from other players! -why should you have better gear that someone who paid?
They were naive, deluded fanboys, because soon in just a matter of a few months, real money currency became really expensive and nobody was selling it, because they spent it all on rolling weapons, but the best part is today, they released new armors that CAN BE ROLLED! That's 5 or so more things to roll, much more than weapons!
And those fanboys were happy just because they got an update, like little children following hitler thinking he is a good guy.. I got flamed at forums again because "IT'S A FREE GAME SO SHUTUP".
So basically, the game now has a few features that only whales or super mega no lifers can achieve, that is getting max level gems (takes around 5 years by my calculations) and getting best gear (around 1000 euros or 50 years). In my opinion, the game is not goddamn free if i can't max out without paying... Sure i can play, but i can't get what i want to..
Do you think that i'm being too selfish wanting to get best gear and max 1 character playing free/subbed? I'm seriously thinking weather i will be able to enjoy gaming in the future, not only games that i love aren't being developed, but the cash shops are ruining most games for me..