Consummate Magi

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Consummate Magi

Elite Set



some errors in below, but the list is complete and the 6-set bonus is verified

Name Armor Level Requirement Slot
Yizeren's Prestige 284 71 Helmet
Yizeren's Revelation Staff - 2h blunt
Yizeren's Decimation y y
Yizeren's Majesty y y Chest
Yizeren's Apocalypse y y Legs
Yizeren's Censer y y Gloves

Consummate Magi

Total Items Bonus
2 +30 Critical Hit
3 +10 Evocation
4 +50 Mana
5 +16 Damage taken to Mana

+21 Conjuration

+65 Magic Find

+16 Enhanced Damage to Mystical


+100 All Spell Power

+3 All Wizard talents