Very nice job with this Maelfyn. Did not think I would do anything more than a quick look and maybe 5 minutes of playing and now I'm almost through Hell......
New font on Items - neat looking at first but I have real trouble reading it, prefer the old font
Grovecaller weapon- Summons a wolf pet who a) moves around & gets axed in 2 seconds & disappears or b) moves around for 2 seconds, then freezes in place, but still is alive & fighting and just never ever moves again or C) some combination of A & B except he he dies and I have this dead dog frozen in place on my screen until I camp or quit.
Rarity Filter on options screen - what does white, blue, yellow indicate? - Does that refer to the color of the item name? I see blue, yellow, tan, green item names so if it's that I'm not seeing it.
Overall Itemization - once you get past Normal and into Nightmare, it seemed like the items I found were always worse than the gear I had on. I got most of my upgrades in Nightmare through the level 3/4 merchant in town rather than killing stuff. Wasn't until about 1/2 through Hell where it seemed that I started getting good items from killing again. Maybe some room to improve here.
Again, my compliments on the work you've put in.