The talent that adds skill haste only adds relative haste, so if you have 0 skill haste you get 0 even if the talent is maxed. I'm wondering if you could turn that into a flat haste amount because that talent tree is pretty much unviable until a lot of skill haste gear is attained. It looks like once you do get a lot of haste gear that it would completely overpower the other talent trees. So I would just suggest lowering the amount of skill haste the talent gives by a little but make it a flat value. This will prevent it jumping from underpowered to overpowered from a simple change in gear.
Another suggestion is for trueshot arrow. Could we get a notification for when the amplification bar is full? Maybe something like a slight glow around the icon. It sucks when you're playing with both hands on the keyboard but you have to take a hand off periodically to mouseover the skill icon