Weapon Procs
This section is a work in progress. Use Ctrl+F to find the name of the weapon for the proc you're looking for. Proc names are not listed here. Several weapons share the same proc with other weapons which is while you'll see some listed in sequence and their associated proc following.
Info Dump
Falzitherin's Claw
- animateDot(TGT,"green");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+" is blasted by noxious vapors.",3);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(195, .9), "Noxious Vapors", "poison", 9, 1000, "spellCastDot");
Seething Myrmidon's Gavel
- particleBurst(TGT,"orange");
- g.myMagicDamage("fire", 787, TGT, c, " is struck by a sudden burst of flames", p);
Plankton Laced Greatsword
- playAudio('novaice');
- animateNova('frostNova');
- for(var i=0;i<=4;i++){
- var dam = minMax(458, .85);
- var hit=g.myMagicDamage('cold', dam, i, checkCrit, "Vile Plankton");
- if(hit!==undefined){chillTarget(i,7000,-288);
Jysin's Blade of the Darkwind
- summonWolfFamiliar("Darkwind", 367, 231);
Sword of Truth
- particleBurst(TGT,"teal");
- stunTarget(TGT, 3000, -32);
- g.myMagicDamage("lightning", ~~(M.random*375+275), TGT, c, " is blasted by crackling ether", p);
Indocolite Revenant Thresher
- particleBurst(TGT,"purple");
- g.myMagicDamage("poison", ~~(M.random*111+499), TGT, c, " is crushed by despondence", p);
- mob[TGT].snareStatus = true;
Grove Walker's Scimitar
- animateDot(TGT,"green");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+" is blasted by fungal spores.",3);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(211, .85), "Fungal Spores", "poison", 9, 1000, "spellCastDot");
Odious Spear of Fate
- animateDot(TGT,"purple");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+" is beset by a plague.",3);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(176, .8), "Odious Plague", "poison", 13, 1000, "spellCastDot");
Painmurder Mallet
- particleBurst(TGT,"magenta");
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", 777, TGT, c, " is blasted by psychic energy", p);
Executioner's Thunderclap
- particleBurst(TGT,"yellow");
- stunTarget(TGT, 2100, -32);
- g.myMagicDamage("lightning", minMax(555, .5), TGT, c, " is zapped by a ripple of static", p);
Megnemon's Glacial Crook
- g.glacialSpikeFinish(true);
Carbilloth's Rainbow Ire
- var color = "green";
- var mType = "poison";
- var z1 = M.random*100;
- if(z1>.8){ color = "magenta"; mType = "magic";
- }else if(z1>.6){ color = "orange"; mType = "fire";
- }else if(z1>.4){ color = "yellow"; mType = "lightning";
- }else if(z1>.2){ color = "teal"; mType = "cold";
- particleBurst(TGT,color);
- g.myMagicDamage(mType, minMax(999, .66), TGT, c, " is blasted by rainbow hues", p);
Heart of Burning Embers
- particleBurst(TGT,"orange");
- g.myMagicDamage("fire", 520, TGT, c, " is blasted by a pyroclastic flow", p);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(162, .75), "Pyroclastic Flow", "fire", 6, 1000, "spellDoneFlames");
- animateDot(TGT,"orange");
Hallowed Gavel of Pharmakos
Sanctified Gavel of Pharmakos
- animateDot(TGT,"white");
- addMobBuffIcon("Kelpie Haze",TGT,"snareIcon",0,-32);
- mob[TGT].snareStatus=true;
Satyr's Artifice
- particleBurst(TGT,"magenta");
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", 505, TGT, c, " is struck by a crackling litany", p);
Bloodletter's Lancet
- particleBurst(TGT,"red");
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", 45, TGT, c, "'s blood is siphoned", p);
- g.popupHeal(45);
Daimyo's Giri
- particleBurst(TGT,"red");
- g.myMagicDamage("fire", ~~(M.random*50+270), TGT, c, " is struck by a sudden burst of flames", p);
Baron's Glissando
- particleBurst(TGT,"magenta");
- stunTarget(TGT, 2500, -32);
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", ~~(M.random*175+175), TGT, c, " is barraged by a sonic force", p);
Venova's Martel
- animateDot(TGT,"white");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+" is engulfed in the wrath of holy light.",3);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(165, .8), "Primal Corruption", "magic", 7, 1000, "spellDoneFlames");
Augur's Harvester
- bleedTarget(TGT, 12, 1000);
- particleBurst(TGT,"red");
- g.myMagicDamage("fire", minMax(333, .5), TGT, c, "'s wounds sizzle", p);
Short Sword of the Ykesha
Short Sword of the Crokyn
Ykeshan Broad Axe
Crokyn Broad Axe
- particleBurst(TGT,"magenta");
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", 150, TGT, c, " is struck by the force of Crokyn", p);
Ebony Blade
Spriggan's Blade
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", M.ceil(10+my.level), TGT, c, " is entangled in roots", p);
- if(checkRootImmune(TGT)===true){ Chat((mob[TGT].name+" is immune to Root."),1);
- if(statusResist(TGT)===true){ Chat((mob[TGT].name+" resisted Root."),1);
- Chat((mob[TGT].name+" is rooted."),3);
- stopMob(TGT);
- mob[TGT].rootStatus=3;
- $("#rootIcon"+TGT+",#rootBuffIcon"+TGT).remove;
- animateRoot(TGT, true);
- addMobBuffIcon("Root",TGT,"rootBuffIcon",0,0,0,"root");
Crystalline Scimitar
Iceshard Scimitar
- particleBurst(TGT,"blue");
- g.myMagicDamage("cold", 44, TGT, c, " is blasted by frost", p);
- if(checkUndead(TGT)===true){
- particleBurst(TGT,"magenta");
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", 150, TGT, c, " is blasted by holy power", p);
Bladed Thulian Claws
Bladed Prenssor Claws
- particleBurst(TGT,"red");
- g.myMagicDamage("fire", 75, TGT, c, "'s flesh blisters", p);
Screaming Mace
Howling Mace
- particleBurst(TGT,"magenta");
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", 38, TGT, c, " is struck by a lupine blast", p);
Cold Iron Morning Star
- particleBurst(TGT,"blue");
- g.myMagicDamage("cold", 33, TGT, c, " is struck by the frigid north", p);
- particleBurst(TGT,"yellow");
- g.myMagicDamage("lightning", 179, TGT, c, " is thunderstruck", p);
The Jade Tan Do
The Witch Doctor
- particleBurst(TGT,"green");
- g.myMagicDamage("poison", 22, TGT, c, "'s flesh rots", p);
Sacrificial Dagger
- particleBurst(TGT,"magenta");
- Chat(("Sacrificial blood restores your mind.").fontcolor("#1e90ff"));
- g.popupMana(14);
Trident of the Seven Seas
Trident of Edenburg
- particleBurst(TGT,"yellow");
- g.myMagicDamage("lightning", 109, TGT, c, " is struck by a thunderbolt", p);
Serrated Bone Dirk
Serrated Bone Cinquedeas
- particleBurst(TGT,"magenta");
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", 22, TGT, c, "'s life force is drained", p);
- g.popupHeal(22);
Gigantic Zweihander
Gigantic Frostreaper
- particleBurst(TGT,"blue");
- g.myMagicDamage("cold", 143, TGT, c, " is struck by the arctic winds of Fenwoven", p);
Lamentation Blade
- particleBurst(TGT,"magenta");
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", 195, TGT, c, " is struck by death and despair", p);
- particleBurst(TGT,"green");
- g.myMagicDamage("poison", 175, TGT, c, " is wrought by a deathly plague", p);
Mroon's Toy
- particleBurst(TGT,"yellow");
- var Slot=TGT;
- for(var i=0;i<=5;i++){g.myMagicDamage("lightning", M.ceil(M.random*50)+1, Slot, c, " is pummeled by a hail of lightning", p);
The Salamander
- particleBurst(TGT,"red");
- var Slot=TGT;
- for(var i=0;i<=2;i++){ g.myMagicDamage("fire", M.ceil(M.random*40)+80, Slot, c, " is singed by a hydra bolt", p);
Kreizenn's Flame
Clastocaust's Flame
- particleBurst(TGT,"orange");
- g.myMagicDamage("fire", 100, TGT, c, " skin erupts in flame", p);
Scimitar of the Mistwalker
Scimitar of the Grovecaller
- summonWolfFamiliar;
Fluxbladed Axe
- particleBurst(TGT,"magenta");
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", 150, TGT, c, " is struck by fluxing strands of chaos", p);
- function doit1{ particleBurst(TGT,"orange","explode"+ ~~(M.random*(3)+1));
g.myMagicDamage("fire", ~~(M.random*25)+85, TGT, c, " is struck by a hydra bolt", p);
- doit2;
- T.delayedCall(.5, doit1);
- T.delayedCall(1, doit1);
Baezil's Vortex
Rathmonan's Vortex
- animateNova('lightningNova');
- playAudio("novaelec");
- for(var i=0;i<=4;i++){if(mob[i].name){
- g.myMagicDamage("lightning", ~~(M.random*75)+75, i, c, " is struck by a lightning nova", p);
- animateMeteor(true);
- T.delayedCall(2.5, function{for(var i=0;i<=4;i++){
- if(mob[i].name){g.myMagicDamage("fire", ~~(M.random*100+400), i, c, " is struck by a meteor", p);
Truesight Hammer
- particleBurst(TGT,"purple");
- var d=133;
- if(mob[TGT].name.indexOf(" pet")!==-1){ d=d*5; }
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", d, TGT, c, " is slammed by holy light", p);
- screenShake(4,4,2,50);
- playAudio("earthquakeloop2",0,500);
- for(var i=0;i<=4;i++){if(mob[i].name){
- g.myMagicDamage("physical",~~(M.random*50+175), i, checkCrit, "Tremor", true);
- interruptTarget(i);
Dawnfire, Morning Star of Light
Venova's Dawn
- particleBurst(TGT,"purple");
- var d=195;
- if(checkUndead(TGT)===true){d=d*3;
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", d, TGT, c, " is slammed by holy light", p);
Gold Plated Koshigatana
- particleBurst(TGT,"purple");
- var d=175;
- if(mob[TGT].name.indexOf(" pet")!==-1){ d=d*5; }
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", d, TGT, c, " is slammed by holy light", p);
Soul Leech, Dark Sword of Blood
Dark Sword of Tolloth
- particleBurst(TGT,"purple");
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", 75, TGT, c, "'s life is drained", p);
- g.popupHeal(75);
Bladestorm, Katana of Steel Sleet
Emperor's Katana of Resolve
- function doit2{
- animateDebuff("yellow");for(var i=0;i<=4;i++){
- if(mob[i].name){g.myMagicDamage("magic", ~~(M.random*100+250), i, c, "'s skin shreds as swords rain down", p);
- doit2;
- T.delayedCall(2, doit2);
- T.delayedCall(4, doit2);
Blight, Hammer of the Scourge
Blight, Hammer of Vedria
- animateDot(TGT,"green");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+' sweats and shivers, looking feverish.',3);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(75,.9), "Scourge", "magic", 8, 1000);
Barbarian Spiritist's Hammer
- particleBurst(TGT,"blue");
- g.myMagicDamage("cold", ~~(M.random*20)+421, TGT, c, " staggers as spirits of frost impact", p);
Gallantine's Gleaming Bastard Sword
- particleBurst(TGT,"yellow","holybolt");
- interruptTarget(TGT);
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", ~~(M.random*25)+275, TGT, c, " is jolted by gleaming light", p);
Nature Walker's Scimitar
Nature Covenant's Scimitar
- animateDot(TGT,"yellow");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+" is gripped by nature's wrath.",3);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(55,.8), "Wrath of Nature", "lightning", 6, 1000);
Claw of Phara Dar
Claw of Szarthax
Claw of Darafar
- animateHyperStrike;
- myAttack.kill;
- var d=frenzyRate/1000;
- myAttack = T.delayedCall(d, getDamage);
- myAttack2.kill;
- myAttack2 = T.delayedCall(d, getDamage2);
- autoAttackTimer(d);
- myFrenzy=true;
- myFrenzyTimer.kill;
- myFrenzyTimer = T.delayedCall(2, function{myFrenzy=false;
Singing Short Sword
Harmonic Short Sword
- if(my.job==="Bard
- animateInnerPeace;
- mySingingSword=true;
- mySingingSwordTimer.kill;
- mySingingSwordTimer = T.delayedCall(12, function{
- mySingingSword=false;
Artremian Blade
- animateDot(TGT,"green");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+" is consumed by the embracing earth.",3);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(35,.8), "Earthcall", "magic", 9, 1000);
Smoldering Cudgel
Singed Cudgel
- particleBurst(TGT,"orange");
- g.myMagicDamage("fire", ~~(M.random*25)+454, TGT, c, " is singed by blazing fire", p);
Star of the Guardian
- animateCleanse;
- shieldHp+=1;
Celestial Fists
Fists of Qiromir
- animateHyperStrike;
- myAttack.kill;
- var d=frenzyRate/1000;
- myAttack = T.delayedCall(d, getDamage);
- myAttack2.kill;
- myAttack2 = T.delayedCall(d, getDamage2);
- autoAttackTimer(d);
- myFrenzy=true;
- myFrenzyTimer.kill;
- myFrenzyTimer = T.delayedCall(2.5, function{myFrenzy=false;
Scythe of the Shadowed Soul
Scythe of the Reaper
Waking Nightmare
- animateDot(TGT,"purple");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+" is gripped by shadows of fear and terror.",3);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(75,.9), "Torment of Shadows", "magic", 9, 1000);
Razor Fang of Xygoz
Razor Fang of Sartuz
- animateHealing('yellow');
- Chat(my.name+" is surrounded by an aura of nature.",3);
- var proc=uniqueId;
- addBuffIcon("Blessing of Nature", "blessingOfNatureIcon"+proc, 6000, -32);
- function doit3(count,proc){if(my.hp<=0){
- removeIcon("blessingOfNatureIcon"+proc);
- return;
- count++;
- g.popupHeal(17);
- if(count<6){
- T.delayedCall(1, function{
- doit3(count,proc);
- }else{
- removeIcon("blessingOfNatureIcon"+proc);
- }
- var count=0;
- doit3(count,proc);
Spear of Fate
Spear of the Ancients
- animateDot(TGT,"purple");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+" is consumed by the raging spirits of the land.",3);
- procDot(TGT, 12, "Curse of the Spirits", "magic", 12, 1000);
- var Slot=TGT;
- playAudio("spellDoneHeal");
- spellDamage = ~~(M.random*40)+560;
- Chat((mob[Slot].name+" is engulfed in darkness."),3);
- var damage = M.ceil(spellDamage/20);
- mob[Slot].doomingDarknessTickCount=1;
- mob[Slot].doomingDarknessTick=damage;
- mob[Slot].doomingDarknessInterval.kill;
- mob[Slot].doomingDarknessInterval = T.to(, 1, {repeat:-1, onRepeat:function{
- doomingDarknessTick("magic", Slot);
- }});
- addMobBuffIcon("Dooming Darkness",Slot,"doomingDarknessIcon",20000,-32);
- animateDot(Slot,'magenta');
Palladius' Axe of Slaughter
Wenerva's Axe of Slaughter
- particleBurst(TGT,"white","hammer");
- mob[TGT].runeHp=0;
- $("#MruneIcon"+TGT).remove;
- g.myMagicDamage("magic", ~~(M.random*40+350), TGT, c, " is shattered by divine force", p);
Curse of Ghalentus
Innoruuk's Curse
- animateDot(TGT,"purple");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+"'s soul is consumed.",3);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(75,.8), "Soul Consumption", "magic", 8, 1000);
Fiery Defender
- particleBurst(TGT,"orange");
- stunTarget(TGT, 2500, -32);
- g.myMagicDamage("fire", ~~(M.random*20)+235, TGT, c, " is burnt by the wrath of the heavens", p);
Jagged Blade of War
Serrated Blade of War
- particleBurst(TGT,"red");
- g.myMagicDamage("fire", 375, TGT, c, "'s soul is consumed by the fury of Accostine", p);
- playAudio("poisonnova");
- animateNova('fireNova',false);
- for(var i=0;i<=4;i++){if(mob[i].name){
- g.myMagicDamage("fire", ~~(M.random*50)+375, i, c, " is burned by a wall of fire", p);
Staff of the Four
Ornate Prism Staff
- animateAncientWill;
- shieldHp=355;
- //mana regen
- var proc=uniqueId;
- addBuffIcon("Ornate Prism Staff", "barrierOfForceIcon"+proc, 6000, -32);
- function doit4(count,proc){
- if(my.hp<=0){
- removeIcon("barrierOfForceIcon"+proc);
- return;}
- count++;
- g.popupMana(21);
- if(count<6){
- T.delayedCall(1, function{
- doit4(count,proc);
- doit4(0,proc);
Staff of the Serpent
Staff of Sentoth
- animateHyperStrike;
- myAttack.kill;
- var d=frenzyRate/1000;
- myAttack = T.delayedCall(d, getDamage);
- myAttack2.kill;
- myAttack2 = T.delayedCall(d, getDamage2);
- autoAttackTimer(d);
- myFrenzy=true;
- myFrenzyTimer.kill;
- myFrenzyTimer = T.delayedCall(4, function{myFrenzy=false;
Hierophant's Crook
- function doit5{
- screenShake(4,4,2,50);
- playAudio("earthquakeloop2",0,500);
- for(var i=0;i<=4;i++){if(mob[i].name){
- g.myMagicDamage("physical",~~(M.random*75+215), i, checkCrit, "Tremor", true);
- interruptTarget(i);
- doit5;
- T.delayedCall(2.5, doit5);
- T.delayedCall(5, doit5);
- var Slot = TGT;
- if(mob[Slot].name!=="
- var freezeDuration=2000;
- freezeDuration*=freezeReduction;
- g.myMagicDamage("cold", ~~(M.random*25)+310, TGT, c, " is slammed by a hail of ice", p);
- encaseTarget(Slot, freezeDuration,-256);
Earth Shifter
- screenShake(6,8,4,50);
- playAudio("earthquakeloop2",0,500);
- var hits = ~~(M.random*4)+3;
- for(var i=0;i<hits;i++){
- var Slot = selectRandomTarget;
- g.myMagicDamage("physical",~~(M.random*100+375), Slot, checkCrit, "Tremor");
- interruptTarget(Slot);
The Cranium Basher
- animateDot(TGT,"yellow");
- Chat(my.name+" is cursed by amplify damage.",3);
- g.amplifyDamageStatus=true;
Blackstar, Mace of Night
Blackstar Mace of Slagnon
- animateHealing('yellow');
- Chat(my.name+" is surrounded by the blessing of the Blackstar.",3);
- g.popupHeal(~~(M.random*50)+75);
Hammer of the Dragonborn
- animateDot(TGT,"orange");
- Chat(mob[TGT].name+" is engulfed in corrupted dragon's breath.",3);
- procDot(TGT, minMax(175, .8), "Primal Corruption", "fire", 5, 1000, "spellDoneFlames");